

Date Done
Aug 21, 2017
Product Development
Tech Startup
Summary: leverage intuition for idea discovery, recognize opp others miss, and build something people want.
  • Marketing can't save an idea. This is why product development phase is so important.
  • Data can't predict potential of an idea because it doesn't reveal emotions.
  • Imagination increase knowledge. Open to exploration (listen to emotions respond to intuition) = open to opportunities. Be curious, ask questions, test everything.
  • Ideas worth nothing unless is adopted and used
  • Improve your ideas: keep creating, thinking and questioning. Distraction kill insights.
  • Steve Jobs:"We make connection btw what we have to OFFER and what people WANT"
  • Users Insights: IKEA, conduct interview, time-lapse recording to udnerstand how people wake up, eat. RBranson: take notes all the time. Jeff Bezos, snap photos on bad invention. ! Notice how people act to unpack their unspoken desires & needs.
  • Ability to differentiate what's worth executing define success & failure. Ideas backed by problems & insights you have 1st hand experience → try and test see which problems worth solving → test and see if users adopt → win.