Quitter wins, and quit fast. Preserving not necessary a good thing. How to escape dead ends / setback and jump on bigger opportunities to achieve greater. You fail if you don't know how to quit. Project that don't earn profits.
- Quit the wrong stuff. Quit other pursuits, if you want to be the best in one thing. Market loves no #1, pays more because scarcity. Scarcity = value. Pick the right thing and go all out to become #1.
- 2 situations: dead-ends (nothing happening), the cliff (you have trouble stopping a bad habit). Why stick through when something doesn't work just because to avoid short-term hassles? The Dip = success happens. Stupid act = has tiny success then quit.
- Don't quit because run out of time, money, interest, etc. Create deep dip to weed out competitors. Quit options, not journey to get there. Quit tactic, not the big idea/visions. Winner visualize the end goal, so it's easier to never quit.
- Quit =/ give up. Coping/muddle through = bad act. Quitting frees you to excel at something else. Quit for short-term comfort, bad idea. Quit for long-term gain, good idea.