ChapterLessons1True meaning of being matured: it's not about knowing what to do. But to tamp down emotions/anxieties that get in the way. See the world as it is. See it through and let it see through you.2Pretend brave. Tamp down fear. Don't let fear defeats you. Put up the front.3Keep caml and don't lose situation. Don't rush things. Think, analyze, act.4To lead from front: know what bothers you, act on it. Say no when necessary. Admit when you're wrong.5To lead from back: push them to certain direction (thinking/action). Listen, speak last. Make them think it's their idea so it's easier to persuade.6Look the part: dress to impress. Walk right. Impression management. Always the host, never the guest. Smile, without bitterness.7Have a core principle: non-violence as strategy. Conditions + principles = strategy.8See the good in others: Pretend all are good people. Trust others, so you can attract people who can be trusted. Never bad word anyone.9Know your enemy: speak their language. Don't address their brain, but their heart. Study their interest. Act of emphaty, safe face.10Keep your rivals close: Spy enemies from up close. Look from eye to eye. Immature = emotional = unpredictable = disloyal.11Know when to say no. Quitting can be a strategy.12It's a long game: act less quickly & get better decision. Longer views = long-term benefits. Distant goal.13Love makes the difference14Quitting is leading too: set the course. But not steer the ships. Surrender can be victory too.15It's always both: Both side can be true. Can be good/bad. Find the course in between. Not necessary B/W. Can be GREY, maybe.